• June 19, 8am-11:30am, Santa Rosa High School 1235 Mendocino Ave.
  • June 26, 8am-11:30am, Lawrence Cook Middle School 2480 Sebastopol Rd.

This radio distribution event is for residents within Santa Rosa city limits.

Thanks to a grant from FEMA, the City is distributing free NOAA Weather Radios, while supplies last, to help enhance our emergency alerting capabilities to our residents.

A phased distribution plan has been scheduled with a focus first on distributing to residents residing in the City’s Wildland Urban Interface Area ahead of the start of fire season with rollout to additional areas of the City to follow. The City is also partnering with several non-profit service providers to ensure radios are distributed directly to vulnerable populations within the community.

For the first phase of distribution, drive-thru events are scheduled to serve residents in specific designated evacuation zones within the City of Santa Rosa. To determine when and where you will receive a free NOAA Weather Radio, look up your evacuation zone name with your home address and find the corresponding event below. 

The City of Santa Rosa is mailing each household an Emergency Preparedness Guide. Complete the registration form in this mailed guide and bring it with you to a drive-thru event to redeem your free NOAA Weather Radio. By completing the form, you are also opting-in to receive emergency notifications from Sonoma County first responders via SoCoAlert. Don’t have your registration form? It is available here. Expect significant delays if you do not bring this completed registration form with you to an event.

For More information, click the link below:


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